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[自由] Jana Irrova External [複製鏈接]

3 u+ n5 g% |, k6 {& x3 ?6 t8 H4 Z- ]6 M8 \" K  M6 {- B- i1 e% X1 D
Release Year: 2012
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9 {. H( i) Y9 t- x/ g' B/ }
Number of photos: 1565 photos (581 MB)
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Photo Resolution: 620 x 992 to 839 x 1236

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Description: In this collection are two volumes of "photoshoot" on Jan Irrovu made ??studio ALS Scan. Jan was then 20 years ... (Although the photo and dated 1998 and 1999, I believe that they were made ??a few years earlier, as evidenced by several facts.)

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The first volume of ALS-Factory-S contains photos of Jana ALS-s001 for ALS-s719, and represents a "photo hunting" on Jan during the 1st day. On this day, photographers ALS Scan started working with Jana at 10:30 and last image made ??about 20:30.
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In the second volume of the ALS-Factory-W includes photos from the ALS-w001 to ALS-w846, and two more days documenting the work of photographers from ALS Scan Jana. On the first day of Jan posed for cameras with her natural brown hair, and the second day - she was blonde.

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4 g* h. T. B7 c( S# y$ [) Z" T

4 j5 P$ I" y6 C9 n/ E0 L. X5 d2 q9 [) H+ W2 T1 T' S& j5 I
File size: 580.7 MB

: Q) i" u- A5 k, D2 `5 ]
+ R' |$ @3 {* |8 Y% L7 _Download File : Jana Irrova External
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