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[英文] undergo是什么意思 undergo的英文意思 [複製鏈接]

undergo是我们在英语中常用的动词,那么undergo做动词都表达哪些意思呢  undergo作动词的意思:
3 s4 n) @% x7 T* x, K3 `. `  经历,经验;遭受,承受; h7 f2 T, A  X5 K
  undergo的英语音标:( [$ I" K* o7 l- M0 m6 n1 W0 L
  英 [ˌʌndəˈɡəu] 美 [ˌʌndɚˈɡo]: K* S$ T, W- |' l, R9 j# l1 g
, j0 R1 t5 v7 ~: v  现在分词: undergoing
  s4 F) X: |- B8 X; q. j+ |  过去式: underwent
* [& F5 o0 L# T/ K5 }  过去分词: undergone" E9 w* n2 A7 }9 A, J
  undergo的英语例句:6 c/ [. s3 N# m" a$ y! h- c
  1. Fans may undergo body searches by security guards.
4 Y+ d6 E( v: Q  球迷可能要接受保安人员的搜身检查。
, L  H5 w' _) q5 i  2. to undergo minor surgery
* Z, ~& J# g5 X  做小手术3 j0 O. D' S) _; d  z. l0 y* V
  3. They have introduced a new system whereby all employees must undergo regular training.
- I' w4 H* h1 ~  他们采用了新的制度,所有的雇员都必须定期进行培训。
% ]$ v1 z5 D7 s3 N3 `3 G  4. The planes have to undergo rigorous safety checks.
3 ]0 p2 x/ @& |% r) W8 v  飞机必须经过严密的安全检查.
9 f# f% R0 F, ]! f9 D  5. The explorers had to undergo much suffering.
( n2 H8 u% A; S* Q- G  A+ s3 i8 V  探险者不得不忍受很多困苦.
4 r2 B$ o5 N% j  6. If the world is to avoid environmental catastrophe, advanced economies must undergo a profound transition.+ k) P  w6 x. {# [
- f# f$ L" ]. N  7. The idea must undergo the checkout of experiment.
6 C3 }5 C+ x. F0 G- B* ]% w5 s  观念必须经得起实验的检验。0 v% g1 e1 z5 p  g% c+ D  b5 w- A7 y
  8. The sensory system may undergo long-term adaptation in alien environments.
) e  A2 ~& N$ b( n0 H3 K' S0 ^  感觉系统对陌生的环境可能经过长时期才能适应。
8 I5 W- }  N$ X3 E, \, r0 Z! y  9. Some stars do undergo changes, such stars are called variables.& l# B: D: p. I, S
  有些星经历着真正的变化, 这种星叫做变星.
% b4 g1 w# v& j5 s+ W. U! @  10. Fruit processing will no doubt undergo considerable future expansion.
4 Y5 m4 ~+ Z8 l9 n8 h- x& |  毫无疑问,果品加工也将大大发展.
2 G5 v/ n0 v7 i% b' l: D1 o  11. He has to have an operation to undergo at once.% L- C' Z3 F& q! t$ R5 E- c. n
  他不得不马上动手术.! m1 n% a* o6 |4 K. A
  12. Ketenes, notably dimethyl ketene, readily undergo oligomerization and polymerization.' K& G4 V" ]- ~) w
  烯酮, 特别是二甲基烯酮, 很容易齐聚和聚合.
# _9 M. h# r1 A3 r& c  `0 j1 ~  13. The sensory system may also undergo long - term adaptation in alien environments.( n* I$ S# V7 \( x" r4 E
  感觉系统对陌生的环境可能经过长时期才能适应., \  b4 e2 l) ?, ~4 o
  14. The residual nucleus will, in general, undergo a radioactive transformation.
4 E3 u! x8 Y! b: d$ W$ F  剩余核一般说来将发生一次放射性衰变.
4 B! p5 H6 R. a4 o  K/ P2 k( V  15. To undergo photodecomposition, a pesticide must first absorb light energy.
( j8 |1 }' I: r8 `  农药为进行光解作用, 必须首先吸收光能.
" o1 g" n4 d, @& |6 D7 f
9 d5 S( y7 W) Z) x. h2 [) V
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