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[英文] exploit是什么意思 exploit的英文意思 [複製鏈接]

exploit既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道exploit做名词和动词分别都是什么意思吗  exploit作名词的意思:
# o1 c: b. `" v4 D/ X- o' g1 @/ U$ @  功绩;功劳;勋绩5 O6 U! Z  `& d
& q  `/ T* K1 A7 E% V3 M3 f  开拓;剥削;开采;利用(…为自己谋利): a1 @9 y& S3 f! _
  exploit的英语音标:$ z0 k- G9 b2 H  G$ Q) u0 Y
  英 [iksˈplɔit] 美 [ɪkˈsplɔɪt]
6 C7 R6 x; C3 b) v  exploit的时态:& y: A3 D, G& M* `: a/ u
  现在分词: exploiting
* R% p7 e% k  O  过去式: exploited/ R) x& L# \( O, j
  过去分词: exploited
! Z6 d" R7 m4 T- B) l  exploit的英语例句:
0 v6 c. u0 o$ ^6 t/ D  1. I even began to exploit him in subtle ways.
0 M9 F$ @7 ]+ R! d' L  我甚至开始巧妙地利用他。; o! W8 o' ~0 k% a
  2. What the media should not do is to exploit people's natural fears.0 R% A) I+ `% S. L3 z* `2 ^/ t# j
  媒体不应该利用人们天生的恐惧心理。: Y' Z# f! e# z
  3. Cary is hoping to exploit new opportunities in Europe.9 X+ @1 b0 z; S  G# z- M
  卡里希望好好利用欧洲的新机遇。- G$ Z, l+ b6 Y/ Z" z8 P0 d; F
  4. You'll need a good aerial to exploit the radio's performance.0 }9 i8 A  Y3 ~. S1 ]
  你需要弄个好天线来发挥广播的性能。* Z6 h  X  V1 Y; v( ?3 E
  5. Many countries exploit oil under the sea.
7 s% E* W( u# M( B/ @" w  许多国家在海底开采石油.' ~7 t4 R3 Q( h9 W  N& G
  6. She was keen to exploit her discovery commercially.4 l; j4 y/ \+ q+ ~
4 q) j  ~% c; _9 ?4 r3 [$ |& h  7. If executives fail to exploit the opportunities of networking they risk being left behind.; b/ p  s3 p0 @0 o7 p: w& [
  如果高管们未能抓住机会建立关系网,他们就有落后的风险。6 b# h$ K5 c3 w6 V, W
  8. The government and its opponents compete to exploit the troubles to their advantage.6 V9 s1 c$ S' E( l$ ~+ a6 @
8 q# s( L! B# u  ?+ B0 u- X  9. The present crop of books and documentaries about Marilyn Monroe exploit the thirtieth anniversary of her death.4 P4 ~( k8 x& `, {6 Z4 o; j
, S2 J& l7 ]0 ^8 |* o2 r  10. As computer systems become even more sophisticated, so too do the methods of those who exploit the technology.) k, ?9 D  O5 k; J7 `; K
  正如计算机系统变得越来越先进,开发计算机技术的人所用的方法也日益先进了。; z+ N+ |0 f, q9 Q( W
  11. Indra's most notable exploit was his battle with Vritra.; m  B: K$ f9 D- r/ o6 Y/ Q
  因陀罗最显赫的功勋是他和维他的战斗.' u! U6 I0 y" L$ Z; s$ G& X; H
  12. The single seller is in this way able to exploit his position.
  W; ~; _0 b" j# H. S4 [- j5 }  这个唯一的销售者通过这种方法就能拓展他的地位.
! H3 p1 Q$ r. \/ j  13. This would have been an exploit of no great difficulty.  c; w0 o$ g6 n/ F
  这一招使起来十分容易.- z5 E. i" l8 x, W; K
  14. We should exploit our rich resources to expand the economy.
$ `) m& S/ L: X0 |! @  我们应该利用我们丰富的资源发展经济.+ ]6 ?9 ]2 L2 k: j3 G: }, y# z
  15. The imperialists exploit and oppress all the peoples of the world." b7 N7 p' _' s7 g  k  O4 b
  帝国主义者剥削和压迫全世界人民., y  W; O, \, x

- `& I6 z. \5 E; \  k9 X! k
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